Surviving The Odds Project is a non-profit organization fully funded by foundations, grantors, government agencies, and private parties. Here are some of the entities who have so generously blessed us with financial support:
Marin Health & Human Services - The mission at Marin Health & Human Services (HHS) is to promote and protect the health, well being, self-sufficiency, and safety of all people in Marin. The vision is that all Marin residents can live their most happy, healthy, safe, and self-sufficient best lives.
Marin Community Foundation / Buck Family Fund - One of the key themes of the Buck Family Fund is Education, which includes the focus area Teaching In And Through The Arts. Together with the Marin County Office of Education and community-based arts organizations, who have been working successfully within schools, Marin Community Foundation supports integration of the arts within the school curriculum and instruction in discrete arts disciplines. The objective is to increase the use of the arts to improve education for low-income children and children of color.
Marin Behavioral Health & Recovery Services - The Marin County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) team connects the community with care and resources related to mental health and substance use. Marin BHRS works to connect each individual with appropriate support, regardless of background, circumstance, race, ethnicity, nationality, language spoken, religion, age, disability, sex, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.
Do It For The Love Foundation - The mission of Do It For The Love is to inspire hope and healing through the power of music by supporting clinical and community-based music therapy, evidence-based research, and providing live music experiences. Their vision is To advance the use of music as an accepted form of therapy in the treatment and healing of individuals.
The San Francisco Foundation - Their mission is to mobilize resources and act as a catalyst for change to build strong communities, foster civic leadership, and promote philanthropy in the San Francisco Bay Area. They are committed to advancing racial equity and economic inclusion to ensure that everyone in the Bay Area has a chance to attend a good school, get a good job, live in a safe and affordable home, and have a strong political voice.
School Worx - School Worx serves the communities of Marin and Sonoma in an effort to make sure the children of these areas get the benefit of all that is available in terms of schooling, i.e. reading writing, math history, art, drama, sports, physical fitness, nutrition and the basic necessities of life. All to give the child a broad base of development and a better opportunity to grow, achieve and compete in this world.
The Awesome Foundation - Each month the Marin Chapter of the Awesome Foundation expects to provide a $1,000 grant to support projects which address educational and/or community needs and are ingenious, creative, and collaborative. We aim to spark dialogue, elevate unique opportunities, deepen conversations and provide community-wide benefits.
Do A Little / Deborah Santana - Do A Little was created to serve the needs of women and girls because the balance of power in the world still lies in the hands of men who often bypass or ignore the skills, intelligence, compassion, love and grace of the female gender. Do A Little supports women as leaders, and owners of our futures and encourages women to grow in whatever ways bring happiness and peace.
Fiscal sponsors
Surviving The Odds Project directly collaborates with the following incredible partners to provide our program:
Multicultural Center of Marin - The Multicultural Center of Marin works with diverse immigrant and underserved communities of Marin County in advancing their social, cultural, and economic well-being through self-empowerment programs that encourage participation in the broader civic life of U.S. society.
MarinLink - MarinLink promotes and sponsors community-based projects in the Arts, Community, Education, Environment, and Health. The Fiscal Sponsorship Program collaborates with social entrepreneurs and community organizations engaged in projects consistent with its mission by providing administrative support, tax-exempt status, and fiscal sponsorship.
Community Partners
Surviving The Odds Project has directly collaborated with the following incredible partners to provide our program:
Desire To Inspire Studios Foundation (D2IS) Their mission is to provide students with an educational and experiential opportunity to pursue a career in commercial photography and videography while giving back to the community; with access to a place that provides mentorship and professional tools and equipment, enabling students to create high value content for the greater nonprofit community.
Marin Oaks High School (MOHS) One of four alternative schools in Marin County, MOHS provided the space for the very first S.T.O.P. professional recording studio. Workshops are held on campus and students earn elective credits towards graduation for participating.
Video Production
Desire to Inspire Studios
Recording Studio
Marin Oaks High School
Referral network
STOP maintains an extensive network of other community programs and resources, and provide referrals based on the needs of our participants. Here are some of the premier organizations we have partnered with:
Opening The World (OTW) is a program designed to empower youth and expose them to a world beyond their own, through volunteer, leadership, educational and cultural experiences within their communities and abroad .
“Collaboration is valuable because it helps us transcend our individual limits and create something greater than ourselves.”